through successful cross – border careers
Project Objectives:
General objective consists in creating added value for the cross-border socio-economic environment by training adequate human resources.
The present project aims at developing the present socio-economic cross-border environment by supporting the pupils in the secondary education in the eligible area. The present project pursues the harmonization of education (beginning with the secondary level) and the cross-border business environment (labor market).
In developing at sustainable level the cross-border business environment, the support for an adequate formation and career orientation of future human resources since the first educational levels is a key issue. Forming the pupils in a cross-border entrepreneurial spirit creates the basis for a sustained cross-border economy.
Specific objective 1 consists in counseling for cross-border business career at secondary education level.
The project includes also activities for cross-border business career counseling. These activities will be developed at the level of a pilot group of pupils from the two partner institutions.
Specific objective 2 consists in formation of future cross-border managers by creating their own simulated firms in which they will have internships. In the second stage of the project the pupils will follow cross-border business management courses:
Specific objective 3 consists in cross-border cultural harmonization as a basis for sustainable cross-border socio-economic development.
All the cross-border events will have a cultural feature and will promote, encourage and support the cross-border collaboration, also being a solid base for equal opportunities, sustainable development and gender equalities at cross-border level. Moreover, there will be intercultural evenings and cross-border meetings, supporting the cross-border intercultural environment.