Technological High School
Although established in 2001, the institution developed a rich portfolio in the education area. This consists of the elaboration of extracurricular activities in order to develop and initiate pupils in scientific and artistic areas, to instill them the desire for knowledge and individual and professional emancipations.
Within its activity promoted young talents in the literature area through various qualitative cultural publications of pupils.
The pupils have been encouraged and financially supported to participate in Olympics and other local, regional, national and international competitions. The institution created sports competitions with specific associations, providing social recognition opportunities. Moreover, annually there is a day of the high school when pupils are invited to participate in painting, photography and poetry exhibitions.
Cooking, dancing and other types of contests are being organized. Every year there is a Miss competition.
Next to multiple other extracurricular activities the school supports its pupils. Many among them are guided by the Professor committee for professional orientation and recommendations. The pupils participated at the launch of simulated companies, opened and ran by them, applications which led to their inventive and innovative spirit within the prosper business environment. The high school graduates inserted in the labor market at part time level have been supported and encouraged to continue their studies at higher education level. 87% of them finished a faculty.
Regarding the interethnic and disadvantaged features of the groups of pupils, various multicultural activities have been supported, increasing their integration degree (for example: nationalities’ evening, Olympics created on the basis of the different nationalities’ customs etc.)
“Ioan Slavici” Technological High School
Dr. A. P. Podeanu Street, no. 144, Timişoara
Tel: 0256/213108