- A3.1. The creation of 10 simulated firms
- A3.2. Supervision of the development of simulated firms by two guides-councilors from the part of the two partners
- A3.3. The supervision of the simulated firms’ activity through monthly meetings
- A3.4. Counseling regarding possible questions in the practices of the pupils
- A3.5. Elaborations of monthly contests for efficiency, innovation and responsibility
- A3.6. Elaborations of conferences/work-shops where the target group will be involved in events’ organization
- A3.7. Participation in national and international conferences
- A3.8. Elaboration of a contest of articles among which 5 winners will benefit of prizes
- A3.9. Evaluation of the practices stage through a final competition among the 10 simulated firms after the practices’ end (eg. The best webpage)
- A3.10. Graduation festivity including intercultural dinner, the authors of the most feasible 5 business plans will be awarded.